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Feature extraction

Heart rate variability features

Features are based on standards of heart rate variability (HRV) measurement and interpretation described in Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology (1996) and Shaffer & Ginsberg (2017).

Time domain

Group identifier: hrv-time

All time domain HRV features are either derived from normal-to-normal (NN) intervals, from successive differences between NN intervals (SD), or from the Poincaré plot (PP).


SleepECG expects time in seconds to compute features. Since many features like RMSSD are typically specified in milliseconds in the field of heart rate variability research, the resulting features need to be manually rescaled before comparing to millisecond-based features.

Feature Description Signal
meanNN average normal-normal (NN) interval NN
maxNN maximum NN interval NN
minNN minimum NN interval NN
rangeNN difference between the longest and shortest NN interval NN
SDNN standard deviation of the NN intervals NN
RMSSD square root of the mean of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals SD
SDSD standard deviation of differences between adjacent NN intervals SD
NN50 number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50 ms SD
NN20 number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 20 ms SD
pNN50 percentage of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50 ms SD
pNN20 percentage of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 20 ms SD
medianNN median of the NN intervals NN
madNN median absolute deviation of the NN intervals NN
iqrNN interquartile range (IQR) of the NN intervals NN
cvNN coefficient of variation of the NN intervals NN
cvSD coefficient of variation of differences between adjacent NN intervals SD
meanHR average heart rate (HR = 60 / NN) NN
maxHR maximum heart rate NN
minHR minimum heart rate NN
stdHR standard deviation of the heart rate NN
SD1 standard deviation along the short axis of the ellipse (corresponding to short term variability, equivalent to RMSSD) PP
SD2 standard deviation along the long axis of the ellipse (corresponding to long term variability) PP
S area of the ellipse PP
SD1_SD2_ratio ratio of SD1 to SD2 PP
CSI cardiac sympathetic index PP
CVI cardiac vagal index PP

Frequency domain

Group identifier: hrv-frequency

For calculating frequency domain HRV features, the RR time series is resampled at regular intervals, after which the power spectral density (PSD) is estimated using Welch's method.

Feature Description Frequency range
total_power variance of NN intervals over the temporal segment ≤ 0.4 Hz
VLF power in very low frequency (VLF) range [0.0033, 0.04) Hz
LF power in low frequency (LF) range [0.04, 0.15) Hz
HF power in high frequency (HF) range [0.15, 0.4) Hz
LF_norm LF power in normalized units (\(\frac{\text{LF}}{\text{LF}+\text{HF}}\cdot100\)) [0.04, 0.15) Hz
HF_norm HF power in normalized units (\(\frac{\text{HF}}{\text{LF}+\text{HF}}\cdot100\)) [0.15, 0.4) Hz
LF_HF_ratio ratio of LF to HF

Metadata features

Group identifier: metadata

Feature Description
recording_start_time time at which the recording was started in seconds (0 corresponds to 00:00:00 and 86399 to 23:59:59)
age age of the subject in years
gender 0 (female) or 1 (male)
weight weight of the subject in kg